Allen James
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Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
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40 wyników Filtruj
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From Poverty to Power James Allen - From Poverty to Power, James Allen's first book, sketches a line of development along which each one person should work in order to achieve the greatest amount of success and power. Enduring success in any direction is shown to be the result of inward adjustment and growth. From Poverty to Power contains two sections, The Path to Prosperity and The Way of Peace.James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry. He is also regarded as a pioneer of self-help movement. Allen's practical philosophy for successful living has awakened millions to the discovery that "they themselves are makers of themselves". Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his own character and create his own happiness.
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Spirituell-praktische Texte der fünf Autoren James Allen, Arnold Bennett, Neville Goddard, Henry Thomas Hamblin und Walter C. Lanyon. James Allen zeigt auf, dass innerer Friede bei uns beginnt, und dann unweigerlich nach außen ausstrahlt. Er greift auf Einsichten aus dem Christentum, Buddhismus und Hinduismus zurück. Dieser Text ist eine wertvolle Weisheitsquelle für jeden Menschen, der an Lebensfreude, Kreativität, einem ausgeglichenen Leben und einer friedlichen Umwelt Interesse hat. Im Beitrag "Wie man mit 24 Stunden pro Tag auskommt" richtet sich Arnold Bennett vor allem an Büroarbeiter, die seit der Industriellen Revolution immer häufiger wurden. Er ging davon aus, dass der typische Angestellte 40 Stunden pro Woche mit einer Arbeit verbringe, die ihm keinen Spaß mache oder die er sogar verabscheue. Der Angestellte mogle sich mit möglichst wenig Einsatz durch und sei abends dennoch zu erschöpft, um etwas Sinnvolles zu tun. Der Mystiker Neville Goddard zeigt in seinen Vortrag aus dem Jahre 1964 mehrere Fallbeispiele für die Anwendung der Vorstellungskraft zum Erreichen von Zielen auf "Die Macht der Gedanken" (1929) von Henry Thomas Hamblin ist der vierte Text in diesem Buch. Hamblins Texte drehten sich hauptsächlich um die Allgegenwart und Allmächtigkeit Gottes, wobei die Metapher "Gott" immer eine innere Instanz im Menschen meint. Der letzte Beitrag - "Ein königliches Diadem" (1921) stammt von Walter C. Lanyon. Es handelt sich um zehn kürzere Texte. Es geht bei allen Texten immer darum, das wahre Selbst zu finden. Vor jedem Haupttext befindet sich eine Kurzbiografie des Autors.
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Ändern Sie Ihre Art zu denken und Sie ändern Ihr Leben! Vor 100 Jahren schrieb ein unbekannter Engländer ein kleines Buch mit dem Titel "As A Man Thinketh". Daraus wurde das Pionierwerk des Selbsthilfegedankens: der Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt in unseren Gedanken und wir sollten lernen, diesen Schlüssel zu benutzen. Das Buch ist in seiner deutschen Fassung seit Jahren ein Dauerbrenner im Lüchow Verlag.
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Para obtener el éxito verdadero hazte estas cuatro preguntas: ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué no? ¿Por qué no yo? ¿Por qué no ahora? En ocasiones, el alma siente que ha encontrado una paz y una felicidad convincentes al adoptar una filosofía o al perseguir un ideal artístico, intelectual o incluso teniendo éxito en los negocios. Pero siempre, una avasallante inquietud viene a mostrarle que aquella filosofía teórica resulta ser un apoyo inútil; que aquel ideal que construyó durante muchos años cae destrozado en un instante; que el dinero no es suficiente para comprar la felicidad. ¿Acaso no existe una manera de escapar de la pena y el dolor? ¿Son la felicidad, la prosperidad y la paz permanentes tan solo sueños inalcanzables? Existe una manera —nos dice James Allen— de desterrar para siempre al mal. Hay un proceso mediante el cual podemos apartar de nuestra vida azotes tales como la enfermedad y la pobreza o cualquier situación o circunstancia adversa y hacer que no regresen a nosotros nunca más. Es un método que nos asegura permanente prosperidad, lejos de la adversidad. En La riqueza está dentro de ti encontrarás esta práctica que te llevará a alcanzar y compartir paz y felicidad imperecederas.
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En el mundo empresarial se habla de "construir negocios". Y al mirar esta frase con detenimiento es indiscutible que un negocio también requiere de construcción, al igual que un edificio de concreto o una iglesia de piedra. La diferencia es que el proceso de construcción de un negocio pertenece al plano de lo intelectual. Y así como en una casa el techo sirve de abrigo sobre la cabeza de una familia —pues le provee protección y comodidad—, de la misma manera la prosperidad es el techo de protección del ser humano. Pero todo techo presupone un soporte que le sirva como base. El techo de la prosperidad es sostenido por unas columnas determinadas, cuyo fundamento es la consistencia moral. Estas son: energía, economía, integridad, método, simpatía, sinceridad, imparcialidad, autoconfianza. Un negocio basado en la práctica disciplinada de todos estos principios es tan firme y duradero que llega a adquirir características de indestructible: nada lo daña, nada frena su prosperidad, nada interrumpe su éxito ni lo derrumba hasta llevarlo a la derrota total porque su éxito está garantizado, siempre y cuando esté sostenido por las ocho columnas de la prosperidad. En Las ocho columnas de la prosperidad, Allen extrae la esencia de mensajes de sabiduría, éxito y prosperidad heredados desde la Antigüedad de generación a generación. El autor examina los principios esenciales que pueden formar o derrumbar a una persona o negocio, sin importar las circunstancias. Esta obra nos reta a poner en práctica estos principios en conjunto, y a ser pioneros de ellos en toda época: "Es cierto que pocos hombres de éxito practican en su totalidad y perfección todos estos ocho principios, pero sí hay quienes lo hacen y son líderes, maestros y guías, los soportes de la sociedad y los férreos pioneros a la vanguardia de la evolución humana". —James Allen.
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When a man enters a dark room he is not sure of his movements, he cannot see objects around him, or properly locate them, and is liable to hurt himself by coming into sudden contact with them. But let a light be introduced, and immediately all confusion disappears. Every object is seen, and there is no danger of being hurt. To the majority, life is such a dark room, and their frequent hurts-their disappointments, perplexities, sorrows and pains-are caused by sudden contact with principles which they do not see, and are therefore not prepared to deal with. But when the light of wisdom is introduced into the darkened understanding, confusion vanishes, difficulties are dissolved, all things are seen in their true place and proportion, and henceforth the man walks open-eyed and unhurt, in the clear light of wise comprehension.
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Out from the Heart James Allen - AS THE HEART, SO IS THE LIFE. The within IS ceaselessly becoming the without. Nothing remains unrevealed. That which is hidden is but for a time; it ripens and comes forth at last. Seed, tree, blossom, and fruit are the fourfold order of the universe. From the state of a mans heart proceed the conditions of his life. His thoughts blossom into deeds; and his deeds bear the fruitage of character and destiny.Life is ever unfolding from within, and revealing itself to the light, and thoughts engendered in the heart at last reveal themselves in words, actions, and things accomplished.As the fountain from the hidden spring, so flows forth a mans life from the secret recesses of his heart. All that he is and does is generated there. All that he will be and do will take its rise there.Sorrow and happiness, suffering and enjoyment, fear and hope, hatred and love, ignorance and enlightenment, are nowhere but in the heart. They are solely mental conditions.Man is the keeper of his heart; the watcher of his mind; the solitary guard of his citadel of life. As such, he can be diligent or negligent. He can keep his heart more and more carefully. He can more strenuously watch and purify his mind; and he can guard against the thinking of unrighteous thoughtsthis is the way of enlightenment and bliss.James Allen was born in Leicester, Central England, November 28, 1864. The family business failed within a few years, and in 1879 his father left for America in an effort to recoup his losses. The elder Allen had hoped to settle in the United States, but was robbed and murdered before he could send for his family.James Allen is a literary mystery man. His inspirational writings have influenced millions for good. Yet today he remains almost unknown...... None of his nineteen books give a clue to his life other than to mention his place of residence - Ilfracombe, England. His name cannot be found in a major reference work. Not even the Library of Congress or the British Museum has much to say about him.Who was this man who believed in the power of thought to bring fame, fortune and happiness? Or did he, as Henry David Thoreau says, hear a different drummer?...... James Allen never gained fame or fortune. That much is true. His was a quiet, unrewarded genius. He seldom made enough money from his writings to cover expenses.
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"Out from the Heart" by James Allen, enriched with illustrations, is a compelling exploration of the profound connection between one's innermost thoughts and the outward circumstances of life. Originally published in 1904, this insightful work continues to resonate with readers seeking wisdom on the transformative journey of self-discovery. The book builds upon the foundational philosophy presented in Allen's earlier work, "As a Man Thinketh," expanding the discourse on the power of thought. It delves into the idea that the human mind is the ultimate sculptor of destiny, shaping individual experiences based on the quality of thoughts emanating from the heart. The title, "Out from the Heart," encapsulates the core thesis — that the true nature of an individual is reflected in their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The heart, metaphorically representing the seat of emotions and deepest convictions, is explored as the source from which thoughts emanate and manifest in tangible outcomes. James Allen employs his characteristic eloquence to elucidate the concept of personal responsibility. He asserts that individuals are both the architects and builders of their destinies, as the thoughts and emotions emanating from the heart become the building blocks of character and circumstances. The book serves as a guide for readers to navigate the intricate interplay between inner attitudes and external realities. The inclusion of illustrations enhances the visual impact of Allen's teachings, providing a complement to the profound insights presented in the text. The visual elements serve to amplify the author's messages, making the wisdom more accessible and engaging for readers. "Out from the Heart" encourages readers to cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness, urging them to examine the motives behind their thoughts and actions. Through thoughtful reflection, individuals are prompted to align their inner aspirations with positive, constructive ideals, thereby influencing the trajectory of their lives. This work, like its predecessor, emphasizes the transformative power of a shift in consciousness. It encourages readers to strive for purity of heart and clarity of thought, fostering an environment in which the innate goodness within each individual can manifest outwardly. Through the author's timeless principles, readers are inspired to embark on a journey of self-mastery and intentional living. In essence, "Out from the Heart" is a testament to James Allen's enduring legacy as a philosopher of the human spirit. With its insightful prose and visually enriched presentation, the book serves as a beacon of wisdom, inviting readers to explore the depths of their hearts, harness the creative power of thought, and shape a life of purpose, fulfillment, and inner peace.
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Światowy bestseller i najbardziej znana publikacja Jamesa Allena, zaliczana do klasyki literatury z zakresu samodoskonalenia oraz samopomocy psychologicznej. Pozycja wydana po raz pierwszy w 1903 roku, przez wiele następnych dekad była źródłem inspiracji dla pisarzy motywacyjnych. Autor przekonuje w niej, że źródłem samopoczucia każdego z nas są nasze własne myśli. Stara się więc uzmysłowić, że za sprawą pielęgnowania właściwego sposobu myślenia, jesteśmy w stanie pozytywnie wpłynąć na swoje życie. Książka ta może przypaść do gustu miłośnikom publikacji pt. "Potęga podświadomości", której autorem jest Joseph Murphy.
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The Divine Companion James Allen - It cannot be said of this book that James Allen wrote it at any particular time or in any one year, for he was engaged in it over many years and those who have eyes to see and hearts to understand will find in its pages the spiritual history of his life. It was his own wish that The Divine Companion should be the last MS of his to be published. " It is the story of my soul," he said, " and should be read last of all my books, so that the student may understand and find my message in its pages. Therefore hold it back until you have published everything else." There remain now only his dramatic works and a few poems to be included in the next edition of Poems of Peace. That The Divine Companion will prove a companion indeed to thousands who have read his books in the past, I have no doubt. To read it is to hear again the voice of tne writer, and to study its message is to once again sit at his feet. He trod the Way himself - every bit of it, and he therefore speaks as one having authority. Lovers of James Allens works will indeed be filled with joy to know that there is yet another book from his inspired pen, and will eagerly welcome The Divine Companion.
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This carefully crafted James Allen collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: As a Man Thinketh Out from the Heart (Sequel to "As a Man Thinketh") From Poverty to Power (aka The Realization of Prosperity and Peace) - The Path to Prosperity - The Way of Peace All These Things Added - Entering the Kingdom - The Heavenly Life Through the Gate of Good (aka Christ and Conduct) Byways of Blessedness Poems of Peace Eolaus (A Lyrical Dramatic Poem) The Life Triumphant: Mastering the Heart and Mind Morning and Evening Thoughts The Mastery of Destiny Above Life's Turmoil From Passion to Peace Eight Pillars of Prosperity Man: King of Mind, Body and Circumstance Light on Life's Difficulties How Pain Leads to Knowledge and Power
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The Life Triumphant Mastering the Heart and Mind James Allen - Offering his patented brand of spiritual advice that relied as much on self-empowerment as inspiration, James Allen - one of the most popular writers in the field at the turn of the 20th century - sets out to show the elements of character and conduct that go towards building a "life of calm strength and superlative victory." In helping the reader achieve "victory over all the dark things of life," Allen has written a self-help book for anyone "eager to learn, and earnest to achieve."This is another inspirational landmark from the bestselling author of "As a Man Thinketh." British author and pop philosopher James Allen (1864-1912) retired from the business world to pursue a life of writing and contemplation. He authored many books about the power of thought including "The Way of Peace," "The Mastery of Destiny," and "Entering the Kingdom."
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James Allen, the master of motivation and self-improvment, leads you through the essential steps to master your destiny. This is the annotated edition including a rare essay about James Allen, a Prophet of Meditation. Contents: 1. Deeds, Character, and Destiny 2. The Science of Self-Control 3. Cause and Effect in Human Conduct 4. Training of the Will 5. Thoroughness 6. Mind-Building and Life-Building 7. Cultivation of Concentration 8. Practice of Meditation 9. The Power of Purpose 10. The Joy of Accomplishment
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The Mastery of Destiny James Allen - The Mastery of Destiny is a companion to James Allen's The Life Triumphant. In The Mastery of Destiny Allen further reveals universal principles that can help empower each person. With emphasis on personal responsibility and harnessing one's inner power, Allen writes on the Science of Self-Control, Training of the Will, Cultivation of Concentration, the Power of Purpose, and the Joy of Accomplishment.
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Being one of James Allen's earliest works, this book leads you on the essential road to financial wealth. This is the annotated edition including a rare essay about James Allen, a Prophet of Meditation. Contents: 1. The lesson of evil 2. The world a reflex of mental states 3. The way out of undesirable conditions 4. The silent power of thought: controlling and directing one's forces 5. The secret of health, success and power 6. The secret of abounding happiness 7. The realization of prosperity
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Although James Allen is comparatively unknown, yet to thousands of seekers after truth, he has proved a guide, philosopher, and friend. One of his works, "As a Man Thinketh", has gone into no less than eleven editions; surely proof that he has a considerable vogue. The most casual reader of any of his works cannot fail to be impressed by the simplicity, cheerfulness, and benevolence which seem to radiate from the soul of the writer. We cannot place James Allen in any exclusive category, as he teaches so much that harmonizes with all the best thought of our age. This edition contains his works: Out From The Heart The Life Triumphant: Mastering The Heart and Mind Man: king of mind, body, and circumstance Foundation stones to happiness and success The Way Of Peace Men And Systems
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Metaphysical Bible students recognize in the Gospel of John a certain spiritual quality that is not found in the other Gospels. Although this is not true of all Bible readers, it may be said that those who look for the mystical find it in the language of this book. The book is distinctive in this respect and is so successful in setting forth metaphysical truths that little interpretation is necessary. Only in a few instances does the original writing conceal the deep truths that the student seeks to discern. Written language is at best a reflection of inner ideas, and even though a teacher couples ideas and words as adroitly as Jesus does, elucidation is sometimes difficult.
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The Way of Peace - James Allen - The Way of Peace is a New Thought book written by James Allen. Although Allen is more widely known for his As a Man Thinketh, it is the lesser known The Way of Peace (1907) which reflects more accurately his New Thought Movement affiliations, referencing as it does Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism. The book is essentially a treatise on the importance of meditation as a 'pathway to divinity'. Whatever we meditate upon, Allen explains, we become. If you meditate upon ' that which is selfish and debasing, you will ultimately become selfish and debased'. Whereas if you meditate upon ' that which is pure and unselfish you will surely become pure and unselfish'
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Through the Gates of Good James Allen - The genius of the present age in matters spiritual is towards simplicity, and the hunger of the human heart is for Truth naked and uninvolved. That hunger will eventually bring about (is already bringing about) its own satisfaction, and here and there are men and women who, passing through the Gateway of Self-conquest, are entering into possession of the Transcendent Righteousness.The closing years of the nineteenth century witnessed the culmination of Formalism, and the spiritual reaction is now firmly established. Already "the end of old faiths and beginning of the new" is discernible to all who have removed from their mental vision somewhat of the textual dust of dying creeds, and have penetrated, however faintly, that sublime region of Truth which is discoverable only by practice, and which is made manifest by pure thoughts and holy deeds.The universal decay of effete religious systems which the world is witnessing today is matter for rejoicing; it is the death which precedes Life; it is the passing away of the false in order that the True may be more fully revealed. The True can, at worst, but remain hidden. It endures. It remains forever. Its invincibility cannot be qualified, and he who has but one momentary glimpse of the True can never again be anxious for its safety. That about which men are anxious is the false, which they mistake for the True, and this, in spite of all their anxiety, must fade away at last.In the lives of all the Great Teachers we see a manifestation of that Universal Truth, the majesty and splendor of which is as yet but dimly comprehended by mankind, but which must, during the gradual transformation and transmutation which the accumulating ages shall effect, at last become the possession of all. That Truth, as manifested by the Teachers, was written by them, as it only can be written, in thoughts and deeds of the loftiest moral excellence which have been permanently impressed upon the mind of mankind by their embodiment in perceptual form. It is to the sweet lives and inspiring words of these mighty Teachers that the eyes of a hungering and thirsty world are again being turned, and the Light of Life is being lighted up, the world over, in hearts that are ready to attune themselves to the Eternal Song of Love and Peace. What religions have failed to do, Religion will accomplish; what the Priest has obscured, the Spirit of Truth in the heart of man will make plain, and the world is now finding spiritual healing and refreshment in turning away from traditional and historic accretions, and going back to the pure Fountain of Truth as revealed to them so simply, clearly and beautifully by their blameless Teachers, and which had its inexhaustive spring within themselves.To aid men and women (more particularly those in Christian countries) more speedily to find this abiding Truth, these articles, setting forth the life and precepts of Jesus, were written. Formalism and self were heavy burdens to carry, and in directing the minds of men to blamelessness of conduct and purity of heart, I know I can leave the result with the Supreme Law, and that there are those who will read and, having read, will pass from the burdensome complexities of ignorance and formalism to the joyful simplicity of Enlightenment and Truth.
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Dieses kleine Buch (das Ergebnis von Meditation und Erfahrung) ist keine erschöpfende Abhandlung über das Thema der Gedankenkraft - diese sind schon mannigfaltig geschrieben worden. Es ist eher suggestiv als erklärend und sein Ziel ist es, Männer und Frauen zur Entdeckung und Wahrnehmung der Wahrheit anzuregen, denn "Sie selbst sind die Macher von sich selbst." aufgrund der Gedanken, die sie wählen und fördern; der Geist ist nicht nur der Erschaffer des inneren Gewandes des Charakters, sondern auch des äußeren Gewandes der Umstände, und die, die ihr Leben bisher in Unwissenheit und Schmerz gelebt haben, sollen fortan in Erleuchtung und Glück leben können.
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