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Wypożyczalnia dla Dorosłych
Oddział dla Dzieci i Młodzieży
Wypożyczalnia Filii Piechcin
Wypożyczalnia Filii Nr 1
Murphy Dervla
Bura Elżbieta
Lewis Norman
Gellhorn Martha
Mayne Peter
Bartnicka Maria
Bedford Sybille
Borowikowa-Kuźmiuk Nadzieja
Chetwode Penelope
David Janina
Fleming Peter
Gorer Geoffrey
Hanley Gerald
Harris Walter
Kakmi Dmetri
Koestler Arthur
Paloczi-Horvath George
Parker Tony
Przygoda Janina
Sadowska Elżbieta
Shields Nancy K
Skorupska Anna
Stachwiuk Ola
Tree Isabella
Weldon Lewen
Woolsey Gamel
Wynd Oswald
Zaleski Władysław
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
Kraj wydania
Historia literatury
Literatura polska
Matematyka dla licealistów
Piosenki dla dzieci
Pisemne formy wypowiedzi
Poezja dziecięca
Postacie mitycze
Postacie mityczne
Rymowanki dla dzieci
Wierszyki dla dzieci
Zagadki dla dzieci
Zbiór zadań z matematyki
bajka dla dzieci
Literatura polska
Wydawnictwa popularne
39 wyników Filtruj
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Travelling through Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in the twilight of the French colonial regime, Norman Lewis witnesses these ancient civilisations as they were before the terrible devastation of the Vietnam War. He creates a portrait of traditional societies struggling to retain their integrity in the embrace of the West. He meets emperors and slaves, brutal plantation owners and sympathetic French officers trapped by the economic imperatives of the colonial experiment. From tribal animists to Viet-Minh guerillas, he witnesses this heart-breaking struggle over and over, leaving a vital portrait of a society on the brink of catastrophic change.
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Despite communist incursions and tribal insurrection, Norman Lewis describes a land of breathtaking natural beauty peopled by the gentle Burmese. This is a country where Buddhist belief spares even the rats, where the Director of Prisons quotes Chaucer and where three-day theatrical shows are staged to celebrate a monk taking orders. Hitching lifts with the army and travelling merchants, Lewis is treated to hospitality wherever he stops in this war-torn land, and reveals a country where 'the condition of the soul replaces that of the stock market as a topic for polite conversation'.
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The Honoured Society describes how the US army returned the Mafia to power in 1944, after Mussolini came close to destroying them. It looks at the Mafia in their homeland - how in attempting to preserve Sicily for the Sicilians in the face of countless invasions it infiltrated every aspect of the island's life, corrupting landowners, the police, the judiciary and even the church. In one chilling chapter Norman Lewis details the escapades of eighty-year-old Padre Camelo, who led his monks on sprees of murder and extortion, frequently using the confessional box for transmitting threats.
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Having learned to appreciate Muslim life while living in Pakistan, Peter Mayne settled down to live in the back streets of Marrakesh in the 1950s. Rather than watch from the shelter of a hotel terrace, he rented rooms, learned the language, made friends, and became embroiled in conspiratorial picni, hashish-laced dinners and in the enchantments and misunderstandings of the street, with its festivals, love affairs, potions and gossip. By turns used, abused and cherished by his neighbours, Mayne wrote their letters for them and captured the essence of their lives in this affectionate and hilarious acount.
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The Narrow Smile is a portrait of the Pathan and their highland home on either side of the Pakistan-Afghan frontier. Peter Mayne grew up in India, and later spent four years on the Northwest Frontier during the Second World War. He delighted in the company of these fierce but hospitable highlanders, who were as hard as the mountains that assured their independence but democratic to the point that no man admitted the right of another to lead him. In 1953, Mayne took a long journey to see what had become of his old friends in the high, flower-filled valleys on the roof of the world. But peace had always been a relative concept on this frontier, where Afghanistan was now eyeing Pashtun lands in a new iteration of the Great Game. Mayne's misadventures are sometimes serious, often very funny, and at all times compassionate.
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Full Tilt / Dervla Murphy. - [miejsce nieznane] : Eland Publishing : Legimi, 2011.
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When Dervla Murphy was ten, she was given a bicycle and an atlas, and within days she was secretly planning a trip to India. At the age of thirty-one, in 1963, she finally set off and this book is based on the daily diary she kept while riding through Persia, Afghanistan and over the Himalayas to Pakistan and India. A lone woman on a bicycle (with a revolver in her trouser pocket) was an almost unknown occurrence and a focus of enormous interest wherever she went. Undaunted by snow in alarming quantities, and using her .25 pistol on starving wolves in Bulgaria and to scare lecherous Kurds in Persia, her resourcefulness and the blind eye she turned to personal danger and extreme discomfort were remarkable.
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The Waiting Land is an exploration of Nepal by a feisty, generous-hearted young Irish woman in the spring of 1965. The third in a series of books tracing Dervla's involvement with the self-sufficient mountain cultures of the Himalayas, she is lured by the chance to work again with Tibetan refugees - this time a group of five hundred lodged in tents in the remote Pokhara valley. Once established in Kathmandu, and later at home in a tiny, vermin-infested room above a stall in a Nepalese bazaar, she falls under the spell of this ancient land, poised between East and West, between China and India, between Buddhism and Hinduism, yet true to its own distinct civilization. Dervla's understanding of the roots of the Nepalese past, and her own stamina, culminate in an epic trek into the remote Langtang region on the border with Tibet.
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After her epic journey from Ireland to India by bicycle in 1963, Dervla Murphy immersed herself in the life of the sub-continent, working for six months in an orphanage for Tibetan children in Northern India. She fell in love with the 'Tiblets' - the cheerful, uncomplaining, independent and affectionate children of the new Tibet-in-exile - but she also managed to explore India's Tibetan frontier, leaving the reader panting in her wake. Alongside her enchantment, Dervla became a perceptive witness to the realities of aid work: the corruption, smug piety and power struggles of the bureaucrats, and the dangerous, long-term side effects on the recipients - cultural enfeeblement and dependency. Tibetan Foothold not only confirmed Dervla's status as a traveller, but also revealed her to be a truly independent voice and an acute observer of politics and society.
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What is it that makes us who we are? In this beautifully written and searingly honest autobiography, the intrepid cyclist and traveller Dervla Murphy remembers her richly unconventional first thirty years. She describes her determined childhood self - strong-willed and beguiled by books from the first - her intermittent formal education and the intense relationship of an only child with her parents, particularly her invalid mother whom she nursed until her death. Here lie the roots of Dervla's gift for friendship, her love of writing, her curiosity, her hatred of cant, her hardiness and her desire to travel. Bicycling fifty miles in a day at the age of eleven, alone, it seems only natural that her first major journey should have been to cycle to India.
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In Where the Indus is Young , Dervla Murphy's indomitable will is matched by that of four-footed Hallam and her six-year-old daughter Rachel. Together they make a mockery of fear, trekking through the awe-inspiring Karakorum mountains not only in the heart of winter, but close to Pakistan's disputed border with Kashmir. They work their way up beside the perilous gorge carved through the mountains by the Indus, lodging with locals and eating, sleeping and bargaining with the Balts, who farm one of the remotest regions on earth. Despite the hardship, Dervla never forgets the point of travel, retaining enthusiasm for her magnificent surroundings and using her sense of humour to bring out the best in her hosts, who are often locked into the melancholic mood of mid-winter.
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George Paloczi-Horvath was born in 1908 into the feudal nobility of Hungary. Despite his privileged background, he came to realize that his family's wealth was based on the exploitation of a brutalized peasantry. By the 1930s he was an active anti-Nazi; in 1941 he was forced to flee the country. Returning after the war as a dedicated communist, he was nevertheless arrested, tortured and imprisoned by the communist regime. He spent 1,832 days in prison, many of them in the solitary confinement of underground prison cells. Here he discovered the reality of a Hungary ruled on the Stalinist principles of fear, betrayal and face-saving double-think. In 1954 he was released, but after the failure of the Hungarian Revolution he escaped with his wife and baby to Britain.
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Over a period of eighteen months in the early 1980s, Tony Parker interviewed the residents of a housing estate in South London. He succeeded in getting a wide assortment of personalities to talk freely -a vagrant, two policemen, an oft-convicted fence and mother of five, a pro-flogging magistrate, a local doctor and a 75-year-old widower, who spent an hour or two a week in bed with any of a dozen women he had met at church. The interviews are continuously surprising, and prove that extraordinary stories, insight and articulacy are to be found in the most ordinary of places. Tony Parker recorded these individuals so faithfully that you feel you can hear their voices. Together they create a human symphony of the everyday, in all its courageous diversity.
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Kezzie, a museum curator and photographer mourning the recent death of her husband, comes to myth-steeped Tuluva, now South Kanara, India to photograph spirit dancers (bhutas). Drawn by these souls, who died precipitously leaving them with a strong sense of a life yet to live, Kezzie is at first unsure what to expect. Thrown into an intriguing nest of locals and international travellers, living in a bungalow carressed by the rhythms of the sea, Kezzie moves between the mundane and the spiritual, between the demands -both social and sexual -of her fellow Europeans, and between the harsh realities of India and its more pressing spiritual demands. Interwoven with stories of spirit lives and travellers' tales, Kezzie's journey, perfumed by night-blooming jasmine and vivid with colour and movement, leads her to a sense of mastery over her grief as she slowly comes to appreciate how to 'look at air'.
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In a small medieval palace on Kathmandu's Durbar Square lives Nepal's famous Living Goddess -a child as young as three who is chosen from a caste of Buddhist goldsmiths to watch over the country and protect its people. To Nepalis she is the embodiment of Devi (the universal goddess) and for centuries their Hindu kings have sought her blessing to legitimize their rule. Legends swirl about her, for the facts are shrouded in secrecy and closely guarded by dynasties of priests and caretakers. How come a Buddhist girl is worshipped by autocratic Hindu rulers? Are the initiation rituals as macabre as they are rumoured to be? And what fate awaits the Living Goddesses when they attain puberty and are dismissed from their role? Weaving together myth, religious belief, modern history and court gossip, Isabella Tree takes us on a compelling and fascinating journey to the esoteric, hidden heart of Nepal. Through her unprecedented access to the many layers of Nepalese society, she is able to put the country's troubled modern history in the context of the complex spiritual beliefs and practices that inform the role of the little girl at its centre. Deeply felt, emotionally engaged and written after over a decade of travel and research, The Living Goddess is a compassionate and illuminating enquiry into this reclusive Himalayan country -a revelation.
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Hard Lying / Lewen Weldon. - [miejsce nieznane] : Eland Publishing : Legimi, 2023.
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Lewen Weldon was mapping the desert of Egypt when the First World War broke out. A fluent Arabic speaker, he was recruited to run a network of spies and confidential agents from a steam yacht onto the Syrian coast behind Turkish lines. He took his men ashore in small boats at night, which also allowed him to land and conduct personal interviews before returning back through the surf. This vivid tale of adventure becomes eyewitness history as we encounter Armenians escaping the massacres, passionate Arab nationalists, resolute Turkish soldiers and a heroic network of Jewish volunteers. Weldon's modesty and self-deprecating Irish wit, complete with a few prejudices, take us to the vivid heart of his experience. This is a story that simply had to be told.
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As Malaga goes up in flames in 1936 and the Civil War begins its monstrous destruction, Gamel Woolsey, an American poet, watches fear stalk through a traditional Spanish village. The villagers, wishing simply to be left to cultivate their cabbages, are caught in a cycle of violence which provokes hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge in even the most peaceful of souls. This humane and sympathetic account puts the people of Spain first, whatever their political persuasion, and gives a gripping and harrowing account of the emotional effects of war in general, and of civil war in particular.
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In 1903 Mary Mackenzie sails for China to marry the British military attaché, a man who turns out to be every bit as chilly as the Peking winter. During one of his many absences, Mary has a secret affair with a Japanese soldier, Count Kurihama, but her pregnancy by him is impossible to keep secret. Rejected by husband, mother and country, and forced to leave her daughter behind, Mary flees to Japan. 'The Ginger Tree' tells the fascinating story of her survival, isolated and alone, in this alien culture.
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Life at Full Tilt. - [miejsce nieznane] : Eland Publishing : Legimi, 2023.
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Between these covers we follow in the slipstream of the indefatigable Irish travel writer Dervla Murphy (1931–2022). Here we find descriptions of her beloved Afghanistan from her 1963 masterpiece Full Tilt, with accounts from the Peruvian Andes, of bicycling in South and East Africa and most recently of the journeys she made in the troubled territories of Palestine and Israel, published when she was eighty-five. Editor Ethel Crowley has dug into the archive to unearth her first published journalism – about her cycle through Spain in 1956 when she was just twenty-four – and has selected extracts from each of the twenty-four books which were to follow. Dervla's style of travel, to go somewhere that interested her and see who she met, made for fresh encounters every day, recorded faithfully each evening in her journal. She read hungrily to prepare for these journeys and folded her learning seamlessly into her books. What shines through is her passionate engagement both with those she encountered and the injustices they faced, and her utter independence of mind.
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Bruce Wannell was the greatest Orientalist traveller of his generation: a Paddy Leigh Fermor of the East, a Kim for our time. He lived through the Iranian Revolution, worked for a decade in the North West Frontier during the wars in Afghanistan, could transcribe the most complex Arabic calligraphy by sight and spoke Iranian and Afghan Persian with a dazzling, poetic fluency. His curious combination of talents – linguist, musician, translator and teacher – were duplicated by an international network of friendships with scholars, poets, spies, aid-workers, archaeologists, diplomats, artists and writers. Bruce could quote Hafez from memory, rustle up a lethal cocktail, lose himself in Brahms, open any door, organise a concert within days of arriving in a foreign city or walk across a mountain with just walnuts and dried mulberries in his pocket. He was a true original, remembered here with affection, humour and wonder by over eighty of his friends and collaborators.
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